Analgesic Gases and Oxygen Provider Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 47 minutes

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Venturi Oxygen Mask

Video 43 of 62
2 min 29 sec
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Venturi Oxygen Masks for Precise Oxygen Control

1. Introduction to Venturi Oxygen Masks

Customized Oxygen Delivery:

  • Venturi Oxygen Masks offer precise control over oxygen percentage.
  • Especially beneficial for COPD patients to manage oxygen levels and prevent CO2 buildup.

2. Features of Venturi Oxygen Masks

Variety of Options:

  • Venturi masks come in different versions to suit various needs.
  • Options include single-use masks, tubing, transparent masks for skin color observation, and elastic straps.
  • Masks feature side holes for efficient air escape.
  • Various coloured Venturi valves are available for oxygen control.

3. Oxygen Concentrations and Flow Rates

Flexible Oxygen Levels:

  • Venturi Oxygen Masks are adaptable to different flow rates, with capacities of up to 15 litres per minute.
  • They can deliver oxygen concentrations at:
    • 24%
    • 28%
    • 35%
    • 40%
    • 60%