Analgesic Gases and Oxygen Provider Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 47 minutes

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The Analgesic Gas Regulator

Video 56 of 62
2 min 1 sec
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Entonox Regulator: Features and Usage

1. Unique Schrader Valve

Designed for Safety:

  • On one end of the pipe, there's a Schrader valve.
  • The Schrader valve is exclusive to Entonox cylinders and won't fit oxygen cylinders, ensuring accident prevention.
  • The blue and white colour scheme of the pipe clearly identifies it as an Entonox giving set.
  • The regulator head is also colour-coded blue and white to eliminate any chances of confusion.

2. Adjustable Regulator Head

Flexible Control:

  • The regulator head is adjustable and pivotable.
  • It features a flush button, primarily used for depressurization when detaching the cylinder or pipe.
  • The flush button should not be used for administering Entonox.
  • At the top, there's a blower valve, and the patient receives the Entonox through a dedicated port.

3. Sterile Mouthpiece

Single-Use and Hygienic:

  • The port for patient inhalation includes a sterile, sealed mouthpiece.
  • The mouthpiece has a flat part designed for insertion into the patient's mouth.
  • It's a one-time use item, ensuring hygiene and avoiding multiple use.

4. One-Way Valve

Preventing Contamination:

  • A one-way valve in the system prevents vapour, spit, or sputum from flowing back into the unit.
  • This valve maintains the cleanliness of the Entonox delivery system.

5. Self-Administration

Proper Usage:

  • When self-administering Entonox, patients must understand how it works.
  • The patient initiates gas administration by sucking on the pipe.
  • Entonox will only be administered when the patient actively engages by sucking; no suction means no gas delivery.