Analgesic Gases and Oxygen Provider Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 47 minutes

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Problems with analgesic gas

Video 52 of 62
2 min 6 sec
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Entonox Usage: Cautionary Considerations

1. Head Injuries

Challenges with Decreasing Consciousness:

  • Entonox, an analgesic gas, can mask conscious levels.
  • Cautious use required with head injuries; avoid usage in some cases.

2. Scuba Diving

Consider All Diving Activities:

  • Enquire about diving within the last 24 hours.
  • Scuba diving includes not just sea diving but also pool and lake diving in the UK.

3. Abdominal Injuries

Risks of Air Pockets:

  • Abdominal injuries can lead to the formation of air pockets within the abdomen.
  • If pain intensifies after administering Entonox, discontinue its use immediately.

4. Psychiatric Patients

Effects on Mental Health:

  • Entonox can exacerbate psychiatric conditions due to its impact on brain function.
  • Exercise caution or consider alternatives when dealing with patients with psychological issues.
  • If conditions worsen, cease usage promptly.

5. Abdominal Pain

Potential Aggravation:

  • Severe abdominal injuries may lead to increased pain when combined with Entonox.
  • If pain escalates during Entonox administration, discontinue use.
  • Regularly assess pain levels to ensure Entonox effectiveness.

6. Patient Comfort

Ensuring Patient Well-Being:

  • Entonox usage may induce unease or dizziness in adults and children.
  • Continuous communication and reassurance are vital for patient comfort and safety.