Analgesic Gases and Oxygen Provider Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 47 minutes

Course Content

Obtaining medical oxygen

Video 39 of 62
1 min 55 sec
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Compliance with MHRA Regulations for Medical Oxygen Suppliers

1. Annual Customer Credential Checks

Ensuring Compliance:

  • As suppliers, we are required to verify the credentials of our customers in compliance with MHRA regulations.
  • Annual checks are conducted to validate customer credentials.

2. Acceptable Credentials

Valid Credential Types:

  • Credentials may include:
    • First-aid certificates explicitly mentioning the use of medical oxygen or medical gases.
    • Doctor's registration details, including name and GMC number.
    • Nurse credentials with their NMC number.
    • Paramedic qualifications, and more.
  • These credentials are subject to annual verification and renewal upon expiration.

3. Safe Transport of Medical Oxygen

Transporting Oxygen Safely:

  • First aiders transporting medical oxygen should use specific cylinder bags with straps for securing one or two cylinders in their vehicle.
  • We recommend displaying a green compressed gas sign on the vehicle, preferably a magnet version for easy removal when not carrying cylinders.
  • Leaving signage on the vehicle when no cylinders are present can cause confusion during emergencies.

4. Secure Storage During Transport

Safe Stowage in Vehicles:

  • Medical gases must be stored securely in vehicles, ideally behind a bulkhead or in the boot, to prevent them from moving forward and causing harm in case of an accident.
  • Avoid placing cylinders on seats where they can easily fall or become dislodged.
  • Ensure that medical gases are always kept in a secure and stable manner.