Labelling and transport of oxygen
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Guidelines for Transporting Medical Oxygen
1. Displaying Compressed Gas Sign
Use of the Compressed Gas Sign:
- When transporting medical oxygen on a vehicle, display the green diamond sticker (100 ml x 100 ml) known as the compressed gas sign.
- However, do not keep the sticker on the vehicle if you are not carrying any cylinders.
2. Easy-to-Attach Magnets
Convenient Signage Solution:
- We provide magnets that can be easily attached to and detached from the vehicle.
- The reason for removing the signage without cylinders on board is to avoid ambiguity in case of accidents.
- Emergency services may assume cylinders are present and take appropriate precautions.
3. Understanding Water Capacity
Measuring Cylinder Size:
- Cylinder sizes are measured in water capacity.
- For example, a two-litre cylinder, when filled with water without compression, holds two litres.
- Scale this up to 1,000 litres for better understanding.
4. Maximum Cylinder Limit
Stay Within Safe Limits:
- Consider the 1,000 litres water capacity when calculating the number of cylinders your vehicle can carry.
- For instance, our largest 40-litre cylinders can be transported up to a limit of 25 before complying with ADR regulations.